$GIVE allocation - Coordinape

$GIVE allocation - Coordinape

When you join a team and start contributing you will be nominated by your Team Steward to be eligible for the allocation of $GIVE tokens at the end of each Epoch (currently an epoch runs for a month). This is managed using an app called Coordinape.

If you are nominated as a contributor you will be connected to Coordinape at (so if you join after this connection date you will likely be connected the following epoch). Once you are connected you should regularly go and summarise the work you have been doing (on your Coodinape profile) so other people can use the information to inform their allocation.

After the epoch closes we have a week to go and allocate our tokens to people. These tokens are off-chain, internal to Coordinape’s servers. They act as an agreed-upon placeholder token before claiming your official governance token on DAOHaus.

🌳 Click here to learn how to use Coordinape (NB You will have had to have had your wallet connected above).

Once the allocation is complete you go onto DAOhaus and make a proposal to convert your tokens to ‘shares’ which are the DAO governance tokens. You will need to be an on-chain member to do this.

🌳 How to convert Tokens to shares

Becoming a Banyan Onchain memberBecoming a Banyan Onchain member